a minute of my history

some thoughts on life and stuff

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Today is voting day in the states. I'm here in The Netherlands (where elections will be held in a few weeks) but I still voted by absentee ballot. Due to a silly mistake (the return address label was affixed upside-down when I got it) the ballot was returned to me. I sent it in the mail again, so hopefully it will reach Harris county by the deadline for overseas ballots.

Some observations while voting this year:

* Some libertarian, pre-med, biochem student at Rice is running for state representative. Rice students, go figure.
* A whole heck of a lot of Republicans are running unapposed for a bunch of offices in my district. One would think that a Dem or Independent could at least try...
* Props to the League of Women's Voters for putting out a handy guide to the election. Its amazing how many names are on the ballot that I have never heard of. I have to say, its no wonder so few people vote. Too many people I don't know anything about, its hard to give them my vote (of confidence) if I've never heard of them.
* A more negative note: Sometimes I feel like my dollar is more powerful than my vote. That is, by contributing money to a candidate's campaign or party, I'm more likely to help him/her get elected than by voting for them. That's not the way it should be.



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