a minute of my history

some thoughts on life and stuff

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Bicycles, lots and lots of bicycles

The Dutch love their bicycles. Almost all the streets in my town have designated bike lanes, bike traffic lights, and bike parking closeby. Cyclers always have the right of way - cars and usually pedestrians are expected to let bikers pass. Its fun to bike here.

My department gave me a loaner bicycle. Its a "klunker," and I mean that literally because it makes a "klunk, klunk" sound when I ride. But its got a light that is powered by wheel rotation, which is pretty cool in my book.

And I gotta give props to Dutch women who I've seen riding bikes in mini-skirts and heels in almost freezing weather while carrying an umbrella in the rain and talking on their cell phones (and smoking a cigarette too). Props. I can barely carry a bag of groceries while riding home in very light rain.

(A picture of my parents and my bike, Spring 2005...arent' they cute)



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