a minute of my history

some thoughts on life and stuff

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Some running firsts

On Saturday I ran 9 miles continuously for the first time in my life. It was an awesome feeling. I felt great afterwards, until I started walking back to my car and noticed a trickle of blood coming down a nipple. I had been warned about this, but had not taken precautionary measures. Apparently, the friction of a shirt rubbing against a nipple combined with chafing, "goosebumps," and sweating, can result in bloody nipples. It wasn't painful until I took a shower and then it hurt for the rest of the day. I'll be better prepared for the next long run.

Another observation: This week we ran through some tremendously nice neighborhoods in the Memorial area. At least two houses were toilet papered, which I thought was quite amusing. I love to look at the ginormous and beautiful homes, especially the new constructions with Spanish tiles and huge windows. As a male Texan, of course a part of me wants one of these houses one day. But as I look at these houses, I can't help but think of how big a waste they are. How many people live in there? Do you really need all that space? Are you just showing off? Or compensating for shortcomings?

I don't need a big place like that. And I don't expect to have a huge family that will need a huge place either. Nice to look at, but even if I am someday filthy rich, I'd like to resist the temptation to live like that.



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