a minute of my history

some thoughts on life and stuff

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Running pains

I'm starting to question this whole "running a marathon" idea. I ran 10 miles on Saturday and it felt great. By Saturday afternoon my foot was hurting, so I wrapped it in an Ace bandage and got by. I felt better on Monday, so I went for an easy morning run. On Tuesday night I was preparing to run speed intervals when I felt a sharp pain in my lower leg from my ankle up (maybe my Achilles tendon?). I completed the run, though without the speed intervals. Now today, after getting fitted for some new (and expensive) orthotics, my knee is giving me trouble. Its all in my left foot.

And I was really looking forward to running 12 miles this Saturday morning including the Race for the Cure 5K.

A few running pains can't stop me, though they might slow me down for a bit.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Flaming Lips are awesome

Some lyrics I like:

Do you realize
that everyone you know
will die.
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know
you realize
that life goes fast
its hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion
cause by the world
spinning round.

Do You Realize? - The Flaming Lips

Oh Yoshimi
They don't believe me
But you won't let those
Robots defeat me

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1 - The Flaming Lips


Monday, September 18, 2006


I was at ACL last weekend, and it was a joyous outdoor music festival. I did my best to pick up my trash and dispose of it in the recyling or trash containers well dispersed throughout Zilker Park. By the way, props to the ACL organizers for doing an excellent job.

Early in the afternoon on Saturday, I occasionally picked up bits of trash that I saw laying around. Later on, there was just too much freaking trash and I ignored it like everyone else.

And yes, in this I saw a message about life. The world would be a much better place if everyone picked up their own trash. You can't go around expecting others to clean up your mess. Well, sometimes some trash gets left behind on accident. So people like me pick it up. But then when there is just too much trash, everyone ignores the problem, and it only gets worse. So pick up after yourself, and pitch in a pick up after others too.


Austin City Limits

I tripped up to Austin this past weekend for ACL - The Austin City Limits Music Festival - and it was tremendous fun. I was especially impressed with The Flaming Lips, The Raconteurs, and Matisyahu. I was also intrigued by Nada Surf, The Brazillian Girls, and a bunch of others. Much fun.

Pictures from Amit
Pictures from Cormac
Pictures from Ana


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Colin Hay - I just don't think I'll ever get over you

This is a great song. Colin Hay - I just don't think I'll ever get over you. From the Garden State sdtk.

I drink good coffee every morning
Comes from a place that's far away
And when I'm done I feel like talking
Without you here there is less to say
I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy
What is closer to the truth
That if I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you



Bike helmets and such

So I wear a bike helmet on my ride to school everyday. And to be honest, I'm a bit self-concious about it. I think I kind of look dorky when I wear the helmet.

What I realized is that I am a dork with or without the helmet. So what the heck, I might as well just wear it.

I also sometimes wear a running belt - the kind you can keep a water bottle in. This too makes me feel dorky. But what the heck, I'm already a dork.

And I can keep my head safe and stay hydrated during my runs. Good things.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Building walls, and tearing them down

I think that as kids, our [hearts/minds/souls] are like wide open fields. As we grow, we start building. We get hurt, we put up walls. Next think we know, we're trapped in a hallway.

Once in a while, we meet someone who makes us break down those walls and put in a door to let that person in. One might call that love.

But with every new opening, there is a chance we get hurt. Sometimes we may have to close a door for a while, but not necessarily throw away the key.

But we can't stop breaking down those walls just because another door had to close. Maybe someday we'll tear down all the walls.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Getting dissed

I took an Art of Living course a while ago and a few nuggets of wisdom from the class really stuck with me. Here is one.

When we are hurt, offended, or feel dissed by someone else we may think that that person is intentionally trying to hurt us. I think that we would all fare better if we don't make this assumption and believe that people are not trying to hurt us intentionally. And if someone is trying to hurt you, that's their problem, not yours.

Someone in the class said a great quote, which I tracked down to be from Roger Ebert (possibly modified from Doc Childre and Howard Martin or Ann Landers).

"Resentment is letting someone live in your mind rent-free."

So if someone disses you, believe that they weren't trying to diss you intentionally and don't let it bother you forever. Forgive and forget is a good policy. I definitely need to work on this one.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blood, sweat, and salt...

Ran 10 miles today. As I strolled back to Memorial Park amid the coaches clapping and cheering for us, I was proud of myself for making it that distance (especially after only 4 hours of sleep). But I was a mess when we finished. Salt on my face (caused by sweat evaporation). Bloody nipples again (despite using Nipguards). And pain in my knees and legs.

It will get better. More strength training. Better preparation. More sleep.

Its on like Donkey Kong.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

Yesterday my sister and I saw a great great movie. Little Miss Sunshine was hilarious, touching, adorable, and definitely an independent movie.

Some other thoughts triggered by the movie:
-Every family is dysfunctional, but family is so important
-Child beauty pageants are stupid and horrible

Very fun movie, I highly recommend it.


Some running firsts

On Saturday I ran 9 miles continuously for the first time in my life. It was an awesome feeling. I felt great afterwards, until I started walking back to my car and noticed a trickle of blood coming down a nipple. I had been warned about this, but had not taken precautionary measures. Apparently, the friction of a shirt rubbing against a nipple combined with chafing, "goosebumps," and sweating, can result in bloody nipples. It wasn't painful until I took a shower and then it hurt for the rest of the day. I'll be better prepared for the next long run.

Another observation: This week we ran through some tremendously nice neighborhoods in the Memorial area. At least two houses were toilet papered, which I thought was quite amusing. I love to look at the ginormous and beautiful homes, especially the new constructions with Spanish tiles and huge windows. As a male Texan, of course a part of me wants one of these houses one day. But as I look at these houses, I can't help but think of how big a waste they are. How many people live in there? Do you really need all that space? Are you just showing off? Or compensating for shortcomings?

I don't need a big place like that. And I don't expect to have a huge family that will need a huge place either. Nice to look at, but even if I am someday filthy rich, I'd like to resist the temptation to live like that.
